$97.00 USD

Want to add a more personailzed and customized experience! 

Additional 1:1 coaching - 3 private sessions with Coach Catherine is available to really help you get the support and thus the RESULTS you desire.


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6 Weeks to Optimal Wellness- SELF STUDY

Imagine in just 6 Weeks time you'll feel feel more peaceful, balanced and aligned with your life. In ALL areas of your life, relationships, home, career, body, mind and spirit.

ALL in your own time, in your own home at your own pace!


What you'll get:

  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Powerful visioning exercises
  • Journal prompts
  • Meditations
  • BONUS: Get Better Sleep Course (included- $47 value)

(This program is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.)

What People Are Saying:

"You are an excellent teacher and facilitator. You created clear and actionable steps, thought provoking questions and inspiring meditations. Kate B

Kate B

"I FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF! I'm more introspective and I feel lighter. Definately feel more Peaceful! I feel more calm and peaceful, grounded and not as reactive as I used to be. Feeling more like my authentic self as I went through the 6weeks." - Patti D

Patti D