Your eating habits through
Mindfulness and create a happy and healthy relationship with food.
You CAN learn to eat the foods you love by learning to make peace with mealtime.
Begin the journey to Healthy Eating.

The Divine Dining Method is NOT:
~A Diet, A Cookbook, or Specific Regimen or Eating Plan
What it is:
A Step-by-Step way to Bring Mindfulness to the act of eating. Plain and Simple.
Mindful Eating:
Learning how to eat mindfully will help you to slow down in a busy world and The Divine Dining Method will help to teach you how!
Imagine being in full control of what you eat, why you eat, and how you eat!
The Divine Dining Method
Catherine Epstein explains why Mindful Eating is so important!
Live Healthier. Learn Mindfulness. Love Mealtime

The Divine Dining Method will teach the reader how to transform the body using ancient techniques, modern tools, and expanded awareness. For anyone who has ever struggled with making healthy food choices, this book will teach the reader how to put love and positive intentions into the act of eating and will help them tap into their own natural healing abilities.

21 Day Divine Dining Challenge
In this simple challenge, you'll receive 21 Days of guidance sent directly to your inbox . Learn the the Divine Dining Method can keep you focused on a simple process that allows you to eat ALL of your favorite foods, without the stress and emotional eating that sometimes happens at busy times of our lives.

The Divine Dining Method
Known as "The Full Course" This deep dive and comprehensive Mindful Eating Program- based on The Divine Dining Method to Transform Your Relationship with Food for good. With Morning meditations, Crystal recommendations and Affirmations.
Who is Catherine Epstein?
Graduate Gemologist, Reiki Master, Certified Professional Coach

Helping people to live more fully from their hearts!
Catherine Epstein, founder of the Living Lotus Group, is an experienced guide and instructor in meditation and mindfulness practices as well as an author of The Divine Dining Method, Reiki Master of the Traditional USUI Method, Graduate Gemologist of the Gemological Institute of America (GG), and Certified Transformational Life Coach (CPC).
Catherine helps her clients kick overwhelm and resignation to the curb and instead… create an epic tale of a life without regrets – a life where opportunities aren’t lost, but taken… truth isn’t silenced, but spoken… mistakes aren’t the end, but a beginning of something better.
The perfect combination of practical with spiritual will yield you the results you’ve been looking for. Catherine’s approach to coaching is part laser-beam focus with a bit of Sagittarius optimism to get you up off the couch out back out into the world. She will hear your “yeah buts” but they won’t stay lingering in the air for long- as you’ll finally have the clarity and sense of purpose you’ve been craving. Learn how to say “Buzz off” to your inner critic while simultaneously embracing your inner bad-ass.
Don’t keep yourself hidden anymore; it’s time to shift your mindset and break through your limiting beliefs. It’s time to take a second chance on yourself, and rise as the Leading Lady of your one precious life, so let her help you embrace the fact that not only your life isn’t over… the best part is yet to come!
How the Divine Dining Method Came About
It all began in 2006, when I received a "Divine Download" of an idea about Mindful Eating. Back in those days, Mindfulness wasn't a well-known concept.
Determined to teach people how to be more mindful in general, I began to teach workshops to help people who struggle with food issues to learn conscious and mindful ways to eat- so they learn to have a healthier attitude toward eating
I self-published a booklet with a 7 Day eating program, complete with recommended Crystals and Affirmations Cards.
Then, in 2017~ The Divine Dining Method was published through Balboa Press/Hay House and was an expanded 21 Day version of the original program.
Through The Divine Dining Method, I wanted to create a program that shows people how to gain control of their eating habits so they can create a Happy and Healthy relationship with food....for good.

How Will It Help YOU?
How often do you listen to your body? Do you consistently make food choices that are not aligned with your intentions of living a more healthy lifestyle?
Most people I speak to are too busy and are too overwhelmed to make healthy food choices. They want to eat better and want to have a strategic way to learn how create better habits.
Through the step by step program outlined in The Divine Dining Method; I show people how to uncover and release their individual food patterns and help them gain control of their eating, so they can create a happy and healthy relationship with food.
For some of us, overcoming a life-time of negative eating habits takes patience.
It’s important to remember that the Divine Dining conscious eating program is different for every body. Everyone has different food issues. Some people can’t eat they’re stressed, some over-eat when they’re stressed. Some eat late at night and some eat while cooking dinner. Once you understand your own issues, you’ve made the first step in making lasting changes
I’m so passionate about helping people to understand and accept their food behaviors and to get them to realize this is the first step in making lasting changes.
What to do next
While the concept of being mindful and paying attention in may sound like a simple task, know this: it's not.
Simple in theory, but not so easy in practice. We have so many reasons and conditioning that live within us (conscious or not) that predispose us to certain eating habits and patterns.
The goal of The Divine Dining Method is simply to learn to identify and adjust to our own individual patterning- and that is where we can begin to make changes.
Eating healthy should be as easy as flipping a switch.
If I were to simplify the Divine Dining Program, I would tell you to try these 3 Easy Steps:
~Focus on the food you eat while you are eating.
~Pause and take a deep breath before your 1st bite
~Be very grateful for your food. (where it came from, and who prepared it.
Now: choose one of the 3 Ways to begin the Mindful Eating Journey from the "Healthy Choices" (see above) and let's get started!

Testimonials of LOVE!
Here are just a few words of praise for The Divine Dining Method!

Easy to read, Powerhouse of a Book
SDG- Psychotherapist
Powerhouse of a book that you will come back to again and again. I love that this is a concise little book that I can reference easily and effortlessly. Written in a very digestible (pun intended!) format, it feels as if Catherine is walking alongside you, gently guiding each step of the way. You can literally open to any page and there are gems of wisdom available for the taking. Divine Dining is a simple, yet comprehensive program that I will come back to again and again along my conscious eating journey. Highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to improve their relationship to food and eating. I found the quotes particularly helpful and apropos to each stage of learning.

Inspirational Tools and Teachings for Mindful Eating
Mindless, unconscious eating is one of the biggest road blocks on the road to eating healthfully. "The Divine Dining Method" provides effective tools to break through this common obstacle. Catherine Epstein's essays, exercises, journal prompts and meditations gently guide you towards eating with grace, gratitude, and mindfulness. "The Divine Diining Method" teaches you how to transform your eating habits with kindness, acceptance and love.