Being Fear-Less

affirmations gratitude inspiration meditation mindfulness motivation transformation well being Dec 13, 2024



At the beginning of January of this year; I wrote down my "word" for the year- feeling so optimistic and empowered- that I was going to be fearless in going about my life and my business.


It was going to be my time to breakthrough my limiting beliefs and continue to move toward creating my dream life.

Talk about answered prayers!

(I'll share more below)


Let me be clear though: Being "Fearless" isn't the absence of fear, but it is being bigger than your fear.

In other words, it's have Less Fear than Your Desires.


Let that sink in.


Helping people find work/life balance through this time has me busier than ever.


My prayers were answered! 


I asked for clients who were READY to dig in and do the hard inner work of transformation.


And, they showed up!


I only take on a few 1:1 clients so I can dedicate my time

and energy to their growth.


My heart is so full!


One of the biggest reasons that I am able to make an impact and continue to help others move closer to their dreams; is because I've been there myself.


MY work with clients has been so profound;


🔥These are the  results  my clients get:


"I feel whole again, not fragmented"


"I gained clarity on my next steps and how I see my life moving forward, more peaceful, bringing back spirituality as my center."    


"I have more confidence, I've connected and stabilized, grounded"


"I have changed the way I speak to myself and I am learning to trust my own instincts more." 


"Thank you for giving me back to myself."




Take some time now...and picture your biggest challenge.


Ask yourself who do you want to be on the other side of this.


It's not a time to criticize or judge- everyone is processing this potent time differently- but I urge you to really take a long look at your path.


It's time to get  back to your center.**


Your future self is rooting for you!


I hear you saying that you're having trouble staying motivated, trying to balance work (if you're still working), feeling anxious and many other raw emotions.


Let me show you how to get "back to your center"with these simple steps :


1) Decide to make the best of this time. Don't beat yourself up, don't be so hard on yourself, take it easy.


2) Find the JOY ...even in the smallest of things, finding the gratitude and appreciates where ever you can.


3) Do one small thing that moves you closer to your dreams (whatever you've been asking/praying for) take one small action toward.


4) Put Yourself First! Make the commitment to yourself, feel it in your bones. No explanation needed.


In order to have the life you want, you have to create it.


Let me show you how.


Don't wait for things to can create the change!

Let's begin today!


love, cathy

I just LOVE it when I get messages like these:


"Catherine is a life changing life saver y’all - life is short- get happy !"


"I have been thinking about our session yesterday, trying to put my experience into words. You gave me so much to think about.   I found your energy to be a perfect balance between compassionate/kindness and encouragement/forward thinking. You let me fill in the blanks and prompted me to trust myself.  I especially connected to the subtle tweaks you suggested in my internal language and the mantra/affirmations you shared with me. The use of symbolism in my visualization was also enlightening.  I left our session feeling peaceful and grounded.  Thank you"


"WOW. Just WOW! I didn't think I could feel the energy through the computer, but I feel so much lighter!"


Please check out my other free resources



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