Making Space for Miracles

affirmations giving back gratitude inspiration meditation mindfulness motivation transformation well being Dec 14, 2024


"Believe in your heart that you're meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.”

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart






Making Space for Miracles


🔥 Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day life, that we forget to look for the miracles.


Sometimes there is so much "clutter"

in our minds,

our computers,

our cars and

our homes

that there is no space

for new energy to come to us.


We forget that there are miracles everywhere.


Does this sound like you?


If the energy of the Eclipse, or Mercury Retrograde hasn't given you a swift kick in your keyster I bet you know someone who has been affected.


Truth be told, we all want

meaning, purpose, passion and miracles in our lives.


So how do we reconnect with that part of us?


(keep reading, and I'll give 3 questions to ask yourself)




You know how some people (is it you?) struggle with overwhelm, caring for everyone else and

are living on auto-pilot because they are either

too tired, or too afraid to make changes?


Through my step-by-step Transformational Coaching, and on-line courses; I help people to find the clarity they need to follow their intuition to pursue meaningful lives.



Here's an exercise that I share with my clients that allows them to dig really deep and get some clarity. 

A recent client said that these questions: "blew her away."


I encourage you to set aside 30 minutes or more; grab your journal and answer these questions with as much honesty as you can muster.


3 Questions: 


1) What will I NO longer accept in my life? (no longer accept being bored, tired, frustrated, sad, broke, angry, etc)? Will you no longer accept how others treat you or how you treat and talk to yourself? Think of all the things you are fed up with in life and wrtie them down.... then state why you no longer want them to be tolerated in your life.


2) What should Life really be like for me? Describe what you want your ideal day to be like. Write about how you should feel, what you stand for, what you will create and give, how you will treat other people, what routines or practices you will commit to eveyday. Describe in detail how you want to feel, give and experience in life on a consistent basis.


3) What am I committed to making happen in order to create my ideal life? What are you willing to STOP doing, what are you willing to START and keep doing until you succeed? Write about the steps you will take to achieve this.


Lastly, when you are making a choice,

simply ask yourself this powerful question:


"Does this support the life I am creating?"


Then make your choices around that answer.





If you find yourself at a crossroads and you're needing

some guidance on your next steps-

reach out to me.


I LOVE helping people to cut through the noise in their busy brains so they can help make the choices that will lead them to their dreams!


love, cathie

💥PS: Give yourself permission to stop playing it small!

Let me show you how.

Please check out my free resources


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